Fault tolerance of small-world regular and stochastic interconnection networks



supercomputers, interconnection networks, small-world networks, fault tolerance, cascading failures


The fault tolerance of the most important properties of stochastic and regular (deterministic) small-world interconnection networks are studied. In the case of stochastic networks, the algorithm with the best values of the number of shortcuts and the parameter of their length distribution is used. As a regular networks, the Interlaced Bypass Torus Networks (iBT-networks), which possess the best characteristics in the class of networks constructed by deterministic algorithms, are considered. It is shown that, in the broad range of values of the faulty node rate, the considered networks possess the high fault tolerance and the iBT-networks are slightly better than the stochastic ones.

Author Biographies

A.P. Demichev

V.A. Ilyin

A.P. Kryukov

S.P. Polyakov


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How to Cite

Демичев А., Ильин В., Крюков А., Поляков С. Fault Tolerance of Small-World Regular and Stochastic Interconnection Networks // Numerical Methods and Programming (Vychislitel’nye Metody i Programmirovanie). 2014. 15. 36-48



Section 1. Numerical methods and applications