An expandable monitoring system for computing clusters


  • A.G. Tarasov Computing Center of FEB RAS


computing cluster operation, monitoring systems, virtualization systems


An architecture for a new system of computational resource monitoring is considered. Several concepts devoted to the expansion of functionality for some existing system on the basis of event triggers and notification mechanisms are proposed. The developed monitoring system is implemented in the java programming language. The application of this system to the problems of computing cluster operation, including the usage of the XEN virtualization system, is discussed. Some experimental results obtained for the developed monitoring system are given.

Author Biography

A.G. Tarasov


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How to Cite

Тарасов А. An Expandable Monitoring System for Computing Clusters // Numerical Methods and Programming (Vychislitel’nye Metody i Programmirovanie). 2008. 10. 1-12



Section 2. Programming