A numerical method for solving the Stokes problem with a discontinuous coefficient


  • A.V. Rukavishnikov Institute of Applied Mathematics of FEB RAS


задача Стокса, метод декомпозиции области, аппроксимация, системы линейных алгебраических уравнений, итерационные методы, уравнения Навье-Стокса, оценка погрешности, численные методы


In this paper we consider a numerical method for the axisymmetric flow velocity profile reconstruction and for the pointwise error estimation of reconstruction in the case of fluid or gas flow in circular cross-section transport channels. Our approach is based on applying special ultrasonic flowmeters and on solving an Abel-type integral equation whose right-hand side is assumed to be given with errors at a finite number of measurement points. In order to formulate the problem as well-posed according to Tikhonov, we use the natural a priori information on a velocity vector distribution. It is assumed that the exact solution of the Abel-type equation is a monotonic convex bounded function. In this case, it is possible to determine the error of an approximate solution. We propose a sufficiently simple algorithm for solving the problem; this algorithm is applicable when the number of experimental data is arbitrary.

Author Biography

A.V. Rukavishnikov


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How to Cite

Рукавишников А. A Numerical Method for Solving the Stokes Problem With a Discontinuous Coefficient // Numerical Methods and Programming (Vychislitel’nye Metody i Programmirovanie). 2004. 6. 17-26



Section 1. Numerical methods and applications